My son just completed his kindergarten registration on Tuesday, so I rewarded him with a fun trip to Hershey's Chocolate World to see their new Hershey's Great Chocolate Factory Mystery in 4D that just opened earlier this month. While we've made many trips to Chocolate World over the years, we had never seen their previous 3D adventure, so both my son and daughter were excited for something new!
The fun starts right away with a waiting room full of pictures of Hershey, Kiss and Reese (each sporting a new look by the way!) traveling the world, playing sports and even cooking in the kitchen. Here is where you pick up your special glasses, as well as learn about the mystery that the characters need you to help solve! My favorite feature here is that you have the option to text Reese about any special occasion you may be celebrating that day (more on this later!).
Without revealing too much of the plot or the fun, I can tell you that the show is VERY interactive, which immediately had my kids engaged. The special effects are very well done, and nothing that scared or startled our family. My daughter and son each named two specific effects that were their favorite thing about the show!
The highlight by far though was that Reese did get our earlier text and that information was built into the show! Very cool indeed.
The show runs about 30 minutes (about 45 minutes including the pre-show in the waiting area). I also love the fact that there are more than 100 variations of the show, meaning you can see it again and again and not see the same show twice!
My only word of caution is that the glasses are all adult size, so my 3-year-old did have some trouble with those, but my five-year-old was fine. For all the movies in 3D now, I keep waiting for smaller kid-size glasses!
Ticket prices are $6.95 for adults 13 and over, and $5.95 for kids. Tickets can be purchased online or at Chocolate World that day. You can see a trailer of the new Hershey's Great Chocolate Factory Mystery in 4D and learn more about the creation of the show on their website. You can also keep up with Hershey's Chocolate World on facebook.
Hershey's Dessert Creation Studio
Hershey's Create Your Own Candy Bar