
Have a Teenager Ready to Drive?

Tips for keeping them safe behind the wheel

By Erin Horning, Friedrich Insurance June 3, 2020

So, the time has come for your child to start learning how to drive! What an exciting and scary time it can be for all of you! Learning how to drive will be a challenge for both the student and the teacher. Remember to remain patient and offer plenty of love and support along the journey! 

Our children learn from our actions and behaviors, so the first step is to set the best example you can when you are behind the wheel. Never drive distracted, stay aware of your surroundings, say no to aggressive driving, and make sure to drive the speed limit. Keep a safety kit in all vehicles and make sure your son or daughter knows where it is located and what the kit contains. 

As you begin teaching your child to drive, set realistic goals, and don’t feel silly starting in a vacant parking lot for the first few lessons. As your teen driver gains more skills and confidence, you can move from the parking lot to quiet streets and eventually work up to the busier highways. Remember to have your teen drive in various types of weather (rain, snow, etc.) and teach them the challenges and hazards that each type of weather creates. 

The more your teen can practice behind the wheel, the safer they will be. Typically, high school students take a drivers’ education class as part of their curriculum. Be sure to call the school to check to see if they offer behind the wheel training. Not only does this training give them more practice and advice from an expert, but it may also provide a discount on your insurance. 

Once your child has their license, make sure they know what your expectations and rules are for driving. One great way to do this is to have a “Driving Contract.” Parents and teen drivers should sit down and thoroughly discuss what the contract states and the consequences if they do not follow it. Don’t forget the signature! An easy Google search will bring up many options and suggestions for what to include in your personal contract. 

Remind your child that teen drivers account for more accidents than any other age group. However, with plenty of behind the wheel practice, safe expectations, and patience, you can help reduce the probability of future accidents or tickets. Good Luck! 

Please reach out to us at Friedrich Insurance for help insuring your teen driver and the rest of the drivers in your household. We always offer competitive rates through multiple insurance carriers! Visit our Facebook page, website at, or call us at 717-866-2572 today!