
It's Time to Say Goodbye

September 8, 2021

After nearly 10 years and now hitting publish on newsletter #500, it's time for me to say goodbye as your publisher for Lebanon Macaroni Kid. I'm looking forward to more time to watch my kids play the sports they love, have more dates with my husband, connect more often with friends, and dig into some good books.

When I started this website from nothing, I never imagined how many families we would touch.

I'm so grateful for the family fun we've helped you discover, the community connections we helped to facilitate, and the wonderful businesses that we have featured over the years.

I'm thrilled to leave you in good hands. Your new publisher Jenn will take over starting next week and have the scoop on all the fall and holiday fun to come! Look for her welcome and first newsletter next week!

Wishing your family peace, love, and macaroni,
