We all know how important sunscreen is, but thought I’d share a few tips and facts with you all!
While sunscreen is important to use year round, we tend to spend a lot more time outdoors in the sunshine during the summertime, so be prepared!
Create a morning routine for yourself AND your kids that includes a first coat of sunscreen. For my kids, I use a non-oily moisturizer with a 30 SPF on them after they brush their teeth each morning. Then before they go outside, I apply sunscreen to their exposed skin as well, using a rub-free spray on their bodies and a face stick to get close up underneath their eyes, cheeks, etc. Followed by a quick application of chapstick that includes sunscreen to protect their lips. They don't complain because this is a daily routine for them and a must if they are heading outside. And don't forget, the overcast days are even worse than the sunny days! So don't forget to cover them up, year round!
The American Academy of Dermatology recommends everyone use sunscreen that offers the following:
Broad-spectrum protection (this protects against UVA and UVB rays).
Sun Protection Factor (SPF) 30 or greater.
Water resistance.
Selecting a sunscreen that includes the above not only helps protect your skin from sunburn, but also from early skin aging and skin cancer.
In addition to wearing the recommended sunscreen, try to stay in the shade during the warmest parts of the day, wear long sleeves (they make awesome rash guards/swim tops for this!), a hat and sunglasses.
Don't forget to re-apply sunscreen every two hours and even more frequently while swimming or sweating.
Even though we always take precautions, we occasionally end up with some sunburn! Yikes! Now - what to do for sunburn?
Cool baths to reduce heat and feel better quick.
Use moisturizer on damp skin to rehydrate skin.
Use Hydro-cortisone cream or after sun products for relief - make sure they do not include "-caine" such as benzocaine.
Acephetomin or Ibuprofen can help reduce swelling, redness and discomfort.
Drink extra water to avoid dehydration!
If the skin blisters, you have a second-degree sunburn. It is recommended that you:
Allow blisters to heal untouched - they will protect the new skin and keep infection out.
If the blisters cover a large area, such as the entire back, or you have chills, a headache, or a fever, seek immediate medical care.
With any sunburn, you should avoid the sun while your skin heals.
Information found at American Academy of Dermatology, Media Resources.