Editor's Note: To go along with her fun Name Bug, Sara is back with a bug-tastic snack for your Mini Macaronis, too!
Oh what fun it is to make a sculpture out of food! My daughter's pre-K class is learning about bugs this week, so I volunteered to bring in a "Buggie" snack. After a few trial runs at home, here's the fun my daughter and I came up with...
Edible Butterfly
- Mini Ritz or other round crackers
- Celery or carrot stick
- Cream cheese, peanut butter or hummus spread (I ended up using bean dip!)
- matchstick carrots for antennae
Using the celery or carrot stick as your body base, spread cream cheese along the top. Stick two Mini Ritz crackers in the spread to create wings. Cut raisin to create antennae. Stick them in the spread at one end of the carrot stick.
Generic Bug
- Oblong/oval cracker
- Cream cheese, peanut butter or hummus spread
- Matchstick carrots
- Raisins or craisins for eyes/mouth
Using cracker as body base, spread cream cheese over the top. Place six carrot sticks (three on each side) in the spread to create legs. Use raisins to make eyes and a mouth.