
Earth Day Craft: Recycled Milk Jugs

Bird Feeders, Plant Containers and More Great Ideas

By Jamie Clark, Roanoke Macaroni Kid April 17, 2013

Upon doing a little research I have discovered more ways than I count for things to do with empty gallon milk jugs - which is a good thing because my family is full of milk drinkers. We easily go through 2-3 gallons a week (yeah, we probably should just get our own cow!). And, the empty milk jugs fill up our recycling bin more than anything else. Drives me crazy! 

Well, no more! I am going to start using these pesky milk jugs for good, not evil as they fill up my recycling bin!

One important thing to note, milk jugs should be cleaned and dried before being ready for use!

Here are my favorites:

Storage containers (I'm thinking legos, matchbox cars, and other little "stuff" my boys seem to constantly accumulate)

Place outside to collect rain.  You can then use that rain water to water your garden and plants in the house!


Plant containers.  The kids can even get creative and decorate them!  (Can you say Mother's Day gift idea?)

Compost container for kitchen counter.  I'm going to be talking a lot more about composting, so keep this one in the back of your mind!

Bird Feeders

Toy ideas!  Seriously, I saw a milk container transformed into a house and also a car garage!