The mother of three children -- all under the age of five -- says her Dance-A-Licious Dance Studio is family-oriented and boasts the motto, "Toe Tappin' Fun, Pocket Lovin' Prices, Heart Warmin' Memories!"
Dance-A-Licious offers tap, ballet, hip hop, creative movement and adult workout classes.

The adult workout class is dictated by your abilities and the effort you put into the workout. It is $4 for 45 minutes of movement from your head to your feet. Take it at your own pace. Babysitting is provided for this class if needed. Please let Nicole know 24 hours in advance if babysitting services are needed.
Macaroni Kid Special
Bring in this ad and receive $5.00 off your first month's tuition. All brand new customers get one free trial class.
Contact Information
Dance-A-Licious Dance Studio
Myerstown, PA