
Tracey Krick Photography

January 4, 2012
Tracey Krick Photography specializes in children's photography and hopes to some day specialize in newborn portraiture. She lets the children she photographs run free to capture their best smile and their spirit, because most of them do not like to be posed, or even allow it.

Tracey is a self-taught photographer who still has tons to learn, but loves every minute of it! Her current obsessions are crafts, making homemade banners, and shopping for photography props.

TKP offers mini session specials several times a year, and a new Referral Program just started. Visit to learn more about it.

Macaroni Kid Special

Mention of this Holiday Gift Guide will entitle you to a 10% discount on any full session with Tracey Krick Photography! (*Offer excludes the {Watch Me Grow Session}.)

Contact Information

Tracey Krick Photography
Lebanon, PA